Tag Archives: fundraising

Personalize your fundraising page URL

Did you know that you can personalize the URL for your personal page to make it easier for family and friends to find?

When you’re logged into your fundraising page, click on the personal page tab, then click on the URL settings link:


You can then change the URL to something more easy to remember and share with your friends, family, and coworkers!



Fundraising Friday: Climbing Tournament at Local Indoor Gym

Here’s a fundraising idea from our SFS Fundraising Guide:
•Contact a local climbing gym and ask if they are willing to host your fundraising tournament. You will need to request that they create 5-10 routes of different difficulties and rate the grades in order to assign points on competition
day. You will also need to settle upon a flat per person rate that will cover climb time and donation amount. No need to include gear rentals-people will either have their own or know rental fees are separate.
•Ask local businesses to donate items/services for prizes. Some ideas are outdoor gear stores, sporting good stores, restaurants, etc.
•Create flyers for the event. Include date, time, location, minimum donation to participate and prizes. Also, include that it is a fundraising event
and what the money will benefit. Post the flyers in the climbing gym, prize donors’ venues and other places throughout the community.
•Create point sheets to use on the day of the competition. This sheet should include a place to put their name and a number, letter or symbol
to represent the different routes. Each route should have three point amounts. The first will be the highest for those that complete the route
on the first time. The second number will represent the points if they get it on the second try and the third will be the lowest amount for completing the route after two tries. The participant will circle their point total. Also, include two blank boxes next to the point total. This will be for two people who witnessed the
route completion to initial.
•At the end of the competition, collect all score sheets from participants. Add up all points and create different categories, such as Advanced, Intermediate or Beginner. Depending on how many prizes you have to distribute, award the
top number of winners in each category. Award the prizes and celebrate a successful event!

Golden Rules of Fundraising

  • The key to successful fundraising is to START EARLY!
    You raise money only when you ask.
  • Ask BIG – Don’t ask for just a $10 donation, ask for $50. You may get $50, or you may get less, but if you ask for only $10, that is probably all you will get!
  • Keep a good attitude. Be prepared that not everyone is going to donate. The more people you ask, the more donations you will get. If you don’t hear “no” a couple times a week, you are not asking enough people.
  • Don’t feel bad about asking people for money. Remember that you are not asking for money for yourself. It is going to a great cause. The more people you ask, the easier it becomes.
  • Set a goal to ask at least one new person for a donation every day. You have nothing to lose by asking.
  • Talk about it! Tell everyone you know/meet about what you are doing and what the money goes toward. The more you talk about it, the more interest you will generate.
  • Make it easy for people to donate. Explain how to make a secure online donation through the Summit for Someone web site, http://www.summitforsomeone.org. Remember to mention that they will receive a tax receipt directly from BCM.
  • It is important for you to decide what methods will best fit each of your donors so that you can maximize the amount of money you raise for the cause.
  • Remember you are not in this alone. Enlist the help of your spouse, family and friends.
  • Most importantly, have fun with it! If you think of fundraising as a chore, it will become one.

2015 Summit for Someone Fundraising Guide

Are you looking for fundraising ideas? An updated 2015 Summit for Someone Fundraising Guide has been released.. you can check it out here!

We also have a new resource available for our climbers: a library full of inspirational stories, videos, and quotes from BCM youth. Available on the fundraising page of the SFS site.