Category Archives: Summit for Someone Climbs


Local Coast Guard Reserves Set To Scale Mt. Whitney To Help At-Risk Kids

Create your own BCM Fundraiser

Did you know that Big City Mountaineers can help you add a fundraising component to your next run or walk, whether it’s a 5k, an ultra-marathon, or anything in between? We’re also working to become official charity partners of marathons in regions that we serve, such as San Francisco, Denver, and Minneapolis.

We’ll provide you with a fundraising guide, your own fundraising page, and a library of inspirational stories, quotes, pictures and videos of BCM youth that you can use to inspire your friends & family to donate to BCM.

Join folks like Ben Gipson, who raised over $1,700 running the Zion Half Marathon, or Lindsey McMeekin & Scott Schissel, who will be running 93 miles around Mount Rainier.

Unlike our Summit for Someone climbs that require a pledge to raise at least $2,900, there is no minimum fundraising requirement if you choose this option.

It’s easy to get started today:

  1. Create your fundraising page at Everydayhero or Crowdrise
  2. Personalize your page with photos and your story to help others connect with BCM’s cause
  3. Share your fundraiser to inspire donations and support from family, friends, and colleagues

For more information, go to

Fundraising 101

This month’s tip comes from Randy Hohf, who participated on last year’s Wind River climb and raised over $4,500 to support Big City Mountaineers youth.

“I think persistence is vital. Some say they will give but they forget. So I reminded them by sending out updates (newsletters), Facebook, and just asking them again. People have good intentions but often fail to follow through, so you have to not be afraid to bug them.”

It’s important to remember that your friends and family want to support your passion, especially if that passion is helping others, so don’t shy away from making an ask or a follow up. Keep your contacts in the loop with your fundraising progress, it will give you an opportunity to thank your donors and remind those that haven’t given yet to make their gift.

Need some fundraising assistance? Contact Anna at

Personalize your fundraising page URL

Did you know that you can personalize the URL for your personal page to make it easier for family and friends to find?

When you’re logged into your fundraising page, click on the personal page tab, then click on the URL settings link:


You can then change the URL to something more easy to remember and share with your friends, family, and coworkers!
